New Work Competence Group

The world of work is placing high demands on everyone engaged in flexibility and competence, but simultaneously offers more personal responsibility and a better balance between career and individual life planning. In order to meet these requirements, the Competence Group has intensively examined the changes in the labour market and the resulting challenges.

In our German-language eco podcasts and our two-part eco Insights episodes, we discussed how digitalisation has changed the world of work and what opportunities employers have to strategically shape this transformation.

A major highlight of this topic area was our summer event “Employers of Tomorrow”. In a panel, best practices were presented, and we discussed what can make employers appealing, both today and in the future. A tour of Microsoft Germany’s offices in Cologne’s Rhine Harbour rounded off the afternoon.

We and many of our member companies are also focused on the acquisition of suitable skilled workers. We highlighted various strategies and tips, concentrating specifically on the recruitment of skilled employees from abroad:

In particular, through our numerous surveys, we strive to reflect the opinions of different groups and put them into context. This is intended to help provide our member companies with an orientation framework and to offer recommendations for action. You can find several interesting articles on our website and in the members+ area.

We have compiled our representative surveys for you in our German-language white paper “New Work in Figures”. It shows how digitalisation is changing the world of work and illustrates the extent to which the topic of New Work has arrived in our society.

We look forward to continuing to discuss all issues relating to Work 4.0 with you and presenting best practices!