KRITIS (Critical Infrastructures) Competence Group

Background and significance of KRITIS

Critical infrastructures (named as KRITIS in Germany) play a crucial role in many fields of societal life. Since the beginning of the year, the protection of these infrastructures has been newly regulated by the NIS2 Directive and the CER Directive. In Germany, the regulation now encompasses 18 areas of public service, as opposed to the previous eight critical infrastructure sectors. This entails new challenges and regulatory requirements for numerous German companies that were not previously considered to be operators of critical infrastructures.

Foundation of the KRITIS Competence Group

In response to these developments, eco – Association of the Internet Industry founded the “KRITIS” (Critical Infrastructures) Competence Group. This group provides a platform for the exchange of experiences and the joint representation of its members’ interests. Sub-working groups are intended to discuss the operational implementation of security requirements and develop joint positions regarding politics and regulations. Ulrich Plate, Senior Information Security Consultant at nGENn GmbH, was appointed as Head of the Competence Group.

Goals and statements

Ulrich Plate emphasised the increasing political importance of critical infrastructures and the support of Competence Group members in addressing the new requirements. Many eco members now have to adapt to their role as providers of critical services. The Competence Group will also investigate possibilities for cooperation in fulfilling regulatory requirements.

Further information

In Germany, approximately 29,000 companies and organisations are affected by the new European regulation of critical infrastructures. This now also affects many members of eco who were not previously subject to this regulation. The new requirements for critical infrastructure operators will be significantly more demanding, which will result in a central political debate for the Internet industry and eco.