Cyber Security Services

eco External Data Protection Officer service

Our “eco External Data Protection Officer” service is specifically designed to offer small and medium-sized member companies support from eco’s experts in data protection. Our aim is to help companies continuously adapt their business processes to ever-changing data protection requirements. Among other aspects, this includes assistance with the introduction of new processing procedures and the organisation of workshops to raise employees’ awareness on data protection issues.

Advantages of an external data protection officer

Companies from the telecommunications and Internet industry are a particular focus of data protection efforts, as data processing for these companies is associated with great risks. A number of member companies have therefore decided to avail of the eco External Data Protection Officer service. This not only allows them to save internal resources and avoid potential conflicts of interest but also to outsource the existing liability risk.

Data protection continues to develop dynamically

In 2023, the eco data protection experts continued to support subscribers to the service in adapting to significant developments in data protection. A particular focus was on the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) adopted in July. The DPF requires comparable data protection standards, recognises the USA as an appropriate third country for data exchange, and thus facilitates data traffic between the two regions. In the course of this decision, adjustments to data protection declarations and compliance strategies were necessary, in which eco’s External Data Protection Officers provided advice to subscribers.

Another highly relevant topic was the obligations under the Whistleblower Protection Act, which required companies with more than 50 employees to set up a reporting centre at the end of the year. Here too, eco’s External Data Protection Officers were on hand to explain any framework conditions and support subscribers with the introduction of the reporting centres.

Data protection law is constantly evolving. For example, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) handed down various judgements in 2023 that clarified important data protection issues. These included the duty to provide information in accordance with Article 15 GDPR and the conditions for imposing fines for data protection violations. The eco External Data Protection Officers were on hand to advise service subscribers on all of these developments.

eco External Data Protection Officer service

The eco Data Protection Officers are qualified data protection experts with many years of experience in the telecommunications and Internet industry.

In the coming year, eco will continue to support the service’s customers with regard to further upcoming new regulations and any questions on the topic of data protection. If member companies have decided to cover the topic of data protection in-house, these members can book workshops and audits via the eco External Data Protection Officer service. In this way, eco helps to make companies even more aware of the relevance and importance of data protection.

The service is offered in co-operation with Rickert Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH and Data Protection Consulting GmbH.

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