Car Repair 4.0
The Autowerkstatt 4.0 (AW 4.0) project – known in English as “Car Repair 4.0 (CR 4.0)” – is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) as part of the “Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the Gaia-X digital ecosystem” funding competition. It has been active since 1 January 2022 and is set to run for three years.
Objective of the project
The main objective of CR 4.0 is to create a Germany-wide platform with a Gaia-X connection on which industry-specific data and AI models for vehicle maintenance and servicing can be exchanged securely and confidentially. This data room enables the cross-workshop retail of data, algorithms and services in order to drive forward the digitalisation of the medium-sized workshop sector and establish an innovation and value-added network of car repair shops, measurement system providers and IT service providers.
Solutions for challenges in the industry
The project demonstrates how digital technologies and applications from Gaia-X can be implemented economically. It strengthens the competitiveness of independent car repair shops, significantly improves resource efficiency in the industry, and counteracts the shortage of skilled labour. Customers benefit from cost savings as a result of shorter repair times and fewer unnecessarily replaced components.
Use of data rooms and AI in the automotive aftermarket
Another key topic of the project is the use of data rooms and artificial intelligence in the automotive aftermarket. The secure and trustworthy exchange of data, algorithms and services enables car repair shops to work more efficiently and drive innovation faster. This strengthens the entire industry and promotes the introduction of new, digital business models. In addition, appropriate digital and physical infrastructures need to be created and offered for these types of applications, which, in turn, are the focus of many eco members.
Workshops and events
In 2023, CR 4.0 was present at various workshops and events to present the progress and results of the project. Here are some of the most important events:
- Workshop: “New developments and requirements for vehicle diagnostics” on 18 April 2023
- Cars & Bytes 2023 on 27 April 2023
- “Experience Car Repair 4.0 and AI-based fault diagnosis live” on 28 April 2023, Vierol Academy
- “From diagnosis to repair: How data and AI are transforming car repairs” on 25 May 2023, DE-CIX MeetingCenter
- “Future Car: Less drive complexity, more digital complexity – a recipe for success?” on 25 July 2023
- Webinar: “Data Act – Turbo for the connected car world?” on 30 August 2023
- Symposium for independent car repair shops & service companies on 5 October 2023
- Workshop: “The car repair shops of the future – focus on challenges and data protection” on 14 October 2023