Association Communication

In 2023, the Association once again successfully communicated political issues and messages as well as service topics in the DACH region in particular. The general media response was even better than in the previous year, with over 3,700 media mentions.

As in previous years, eco’s Complaints Office and IT security issues were the main focus of reporting on eco alongside Internet policy topics.

Digital infrastructures – traditionally a focus of eco Association’s communication – was also one of the top themes with which eco positioned itself in the media in 2023. By providing targeted and in-depth background information and expert quotes – for example, within the framework of the Alliance for the Strengthening of Digital Infrastructures in Germany on the energy efficiency potential of data centres, as well as positions on gigabit network expansion and the European Gaia-X cloud initiative – a large proportion of media clippings was achieved in this focus area.

The media reach of eco Association’s communication increased by 12 per cent in 2023, in particular thanks to the regular survey results of the population or IT experts on current digital topics and debates with the help of the opinion research institute Civey.

The presence of eco spokespersons was further intensified in the TV sector, particularly with appearances on the German stations ZDF and ntv.

In addition to traditional media work, social media communication is becoming increasingly important. On LinkedIn in particular, the number of followers has grown significantly (plus 20 per cent).

The eco’s German-language podcast “Das Ohr am Netz” (“An Ear to the Internet”), which was launched in September 2022, also performed very well in 2023 and became a platform for eco member companies and their topics and speakers. The views increased by 20 per cent compared to the previous year. The podcast was also awarded the Media-V Award from the “Verbändereport” (association report) as the best podcast.

In 2023, three eco PR Briefing online events took place. These popular events aim to intensify the dialogue with eco members, particularly on communication and PR topics. The German-language event series invites communications managers from member companies to gain exclusive information on current industry issues and explore opportunities for participation and synergies in joint campaigns.