eco Media

eco newsletters: News from politics and the Internet industry

Every week, the German-language eco weekly newsletter provides information on news, trends and services from the eco Association, guidelines and surveys on driving topics in the Internet industry, and information on top industry events. eco members have the option of the Newsletter+ extension, which allows them to receive current membership benefits directly in their email inbox.

In addition, the German-language newsletter eco politik digital provides all interested parties with political news from the capital every week that the German Bundestag is in session. The English-language newsletter eco european provides free information on current trends in Brussels by email.

In 2023, we also send out a quarterly German-language newsletter on the eco #LiT – Ladies in Tech initiative. Whether news or press releases on statistics or opinion polls, inspiring interviews with female role models of the tech world, or announcements on networking and tech events: the #LiT newsletter is exclusively dedicated to the topic of women in tech. In 2023, almost all eco newsletters also recorded an increase in subscribers.

eco Podcast: An ear to the Internet

Every fortnight, a new episode of eco’s German-language podcast “Das Ohr am Netz“ (“An Ear to the Internet”) is released, in which we talk to guests from politics, science and business about digital topics and the IT industry. Sidonie Krug, Member of the Managing Board and Head of Association Communications, and TV and radio presenter Sven Oswald interview industry leaders, share insights and present different perspectives and opinions on current debates. An internal PR editorial team is now responsible for the content of the reports. With new categories and an extended length of time, each episode is now more like a magazine or a radio programme.

Thematically, the individual episodes cover all facets of the Internet industry. These include the potential of digital business models and future technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Digital policy processes and challenges are also important components. The 2022 relaunch was designed to make participation more attractive for eco members. The episodes are flanked by a short news summary and an appraisal of various voices from the association.

All episodes (in German) can be listened to on the eco website, Spotify, Itunes, Deezer or Overcast.

Social media: Up-to-date and compact

The Flickr account of the eco Association contains almost 60,000 photos that have been accessed more than eight million times. On Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, eco provides information in a varied and compact form. You can find out more in the eco International section.

Joining the dots in the Internet industry

Published for the first time in 2017, dotmagazine provides information about the entire spectrum of the Internet industry. With monthly focus topics, the English-language online magazine impressively documents the experience and expert knowledge of the association, its members and partners. The content ranges from infrastructure to the countless applications and business cases that the Internet makes possible. In addition, the dotmagazine newsletter is published twice a month in English and is aimed at interested parties from all over the world. You can find out more in the eco International section.

YouTube: Diversity in moving images

eco’s YouTube channel also illustrates the diversity of the association’s activities: these include event documentaries, recordings of hybrid events such as the Net Policy Forum and eco netTALKS, expert interviews or expert briefings.