With the CEBRA initiative, eco imparts up-to-date and directly applicable e-business knowledge and qualifies participants with a certificate as “Counsellor for E-Business Related Assignments”. The accreditation, participant administration, test administration and certification are processed in cooperation with the Vocational College Ennepetal (Berufskolleg Ennepetal). In addition to the coordination input of Matthias Kurzhals, Head of School Development at the Vocational College Ennepetal, a student assistant supports the administrative processes, as well as the maintenance and further development of the learning platform and learning content. The offer is geared in particular towards vocational schools or comparable educational institutions who choose to provide their students/participants with an up-to-date German-language learning programme in the field of e-business. It is also aimed at companies seeking further training for their employees working in e-business-related areas. CEBRA’s action-orientated learning modules take place in the cloud via the eco CEBRA Moodle server.

Certified e-business knowledge – practical and flexible

Applying a case study approach, the qualification programme offers practical content and places the focus on imparting competence-oriented action strategies for solving real problems encountered in e-business. Having acquired the multi-layered learning, the participants demonstrate their progress in regular online tests and in a final examination. After successfully passing their exam, all participants receive a certificate issued by eco, which certifies their extensive knowledge and skills in the field of e-business.

In 2023, the CEBRA learning content was mainly applied in classroom teaching. However, the positive experience gained in schools with distance learning also meant that CEBRA was often learnt in a blended learning scenario (i.e. a balanced mix of online and face-to-face learning). Around 200 students were certified in 2023, and a special highlight in the year under review was once again the personal attendance at the certificate presentation at the Erich Gutenberg Berufskolleg in Cologne. In individual presentations of online shops created based on the expertise learnt in CEBRA, the graduates of the higher-level business school classes showed that the content of the programme enables them to develop digital business ideas, outline business plans and even create functional online shops.

Further content additions were also made in 2023, and users were supported at the two levels of teaching and learning. Teachers were offered training on how to use the platform and support for their first course runs. A regular exchange with the teachers and contact persons at the schools about processes and content helps in the continuous development of the e-business learning offer.

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