Digital Business Models

Activities in 2023 revolved around Gaia-X, artificial intelligence, and, in particular, the Service-Meister, Car Repair 4.0, and the LEAM Initiative projects.

LEAM initiative

With the Large European AI Models (LEAM) initiative, the eco Association, under the leadership of the German AI Association, is striving to realise a central AI flagship project. The aim of this initiative is to create a powerful ecosystem that brings together science, business and start-ups. This cooperation is intended to promote the development and implementation of large-scale European AI models.

Presentation of the LEAM feasibility study

A particular highlight was the presentation of the LEAM feasibility study in Berlin in January 2023. The results of the study were presented and discussed at the associated congress. This study, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), analysed the implementation of Large European AI Models (LEAM). The focus was on the necessary computing resources and the planning of a specialised AI data centre in Germany. The German-language congress provided a platform for dialogue between science, business and politics and highlighted the need for joint efforts to create a robust AI ecosystem in Europe.