The Alliance for the Strengthening of Digital Infrastructures in Germany

The Alliance for the Strengthening of Digital Infrastructures in Germany – an initiative of leading representatives of the ecosystem of digital infrastructures with a focus on the data centre industry – was founded under the umbrella of the eco Association in 2018.

In 2023, the initiative once again heightened the industry’s visibility in public discourse and maintained close communication with policymakers. Through numerous events, position papers and a 360-degree communication, the Alliance made it abundantly clear that digital infrastructures are crucial for achieving climate targets, strengthening Germany and Europe as a business location, and paving the way for comprehensive digitalisation in all spheres of life. Particularly in the face of current crises, such as climate change or the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the Alliance illuminates how sustainable, resilient and secure digital infrastructures are essential for addressing these challenges.

In 2023, the Alliance intensified its focus on the Energy Efficiency Act at a regulatory level in Germany. Consequently, the Energy Efficiency Act was significantly improved in the parliamentary process. The Alliance also campaigned for the inclusion of data centres in the potential introduction of an industrial electricity price. Moreover, the Alliance was engaged in international regulations such as the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact (CNDCP). The Alliance Spokesperson Dr. Béla Waldhauser was re-elected to the CNDCP Board in May 2023.

Alliance publications in the year 2023

In 2023, as part of eco’s #JOIN THE SOLUTION campaign, the Alliance and Arthur D. Little published the study “Digital Transformation for More Sustainability”, which highlights the climate protection potential of digital infrastructures and technologies. This study illustrates the positive effects that digitalisation will get to generate by 2050 in the industrial, rural and urban sectors. Members of the initiative and the study’s authors presented the results at an international level in Brussels and in Berlin and engaged in discussions with representatives from politics and business.

Furthermore, the Alliance actively engaged in political discourse and drafted numerous position papers and letters. These included commentaries on the Energy Efficiency Act, key points on the new edition of the Blue Angel ecolabel award criteria, and a position paper on the German Telecommunications Grid Expansion Acceleration Act.

Direct dialogue between politics and business

At numerous Alliance events, representatives from business and politics engaged in direct dialogue and discussed shaping Germany as a digital location and the relevant digital infrastructures. These events included panel discussions, background talks, keynote speeches and in-house events.

One highlight of the year was the German Alliance Talk on the Energy Efficiency Act. This took place on 28 February in Berlin, featuring multiple members of the initiative, as well as members of the Bundestag, including Robin Mesarosch (SPD), Dr. Anna Christmann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Maximilian Funke-Kaiser (FDP), Nicolas Zippelius (CDU) and Anke Domscheit-Berg (The Left).

At eco events – such as the Internet Policy Forum on Digital Strategy held on 25 April with German Federal Digital Minister Dr. Volker Wissing and Dr. Anna Christmann, Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Start-ups at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action – members of the Alliance also had the opportunity to engage in one-to-one networking with political representatives.

The Alliance was also a partner of the event at the Data Centre Expert Summit on 15 June in Frankfurt. To engage in discussions about digital infrastructures, this summit brought together not only initiative members but also other representatives from business and politics, including Hesse’s Digital Minister Dr. Kristina Sinemus.

The “Places of the Internet” information tour at the German federal government’s Digital Summit in Jena on 20 November was another highlight for the Alliance and eco. This moderated press information tour – in cooperation with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport – focused on the topic of “Digital Transformation in a New Era”. This showcased practical examples and flagship projects in the digital sector to the participants.

Strong media presence also in 2023

In 2023, the Alliance for the Strengthening of Digital Infrastructures in Germany registered more than 200 clippings. Based on the targeted reporting and influence on the Energy Efficiency Act, the initiative achieved particularly strong media resonance in the first half of the year. The motto of “Quality over Quantity” was also accomplished in the year under review. The leading media share in 2023 was 44 per cent, an increase of 15 per cent compared to the previous year.

Thanks to 360-degree communication strategy, the Alliance was also able to position itself and its agenda across various media formats. On social media, the initiative reached over 28,000 impressions on LinkedIn and more than 30,000 impressions on X, formerly Twitter. Members of the Alliance also conducted further TV and audio interviews, including for Deutschlandfunk and in the German-language eco podcast “Das Ohr am Netz” (An Ear to the Internet).