Internet Security Days

Since 2011, the Phantasialand theme park near Cologne has been the venue for the ISD, one of the most important meet-ups in Germany for IT security experts, security managers and user companies, interrupted only by the pandemic. On 21 and 22 September, it was that time once again – eco hosted the 13th Internet Security Days (ISD).

The motto for 2023 was: Backup for Tomorrow and was divided into two parallel lecture series on four main topics: Achieving the State of the Art, Future Security, Digital Supply Chain Security and Connected Security.

The approximately 250 participants per event day were offered 40 exciting presentations and panel discussions as well as numerous opportunities for networking and in-depth (specialised) discussions.

Digitalisation and the increasing use of technologies such as AI and quantum computing are presenting companies with new challenges in the area of IT security. The 2023 ISD shed light on these challenges and discussed possible solutions.

eco’s Managing Director Alexander Rabe paid tribute to long-standing eco Association member companies. This year, q.beyond AG and toplink GmbH were among those celebrating 20 years of cooperation with eco. ratiokontakt GmbH has been helping to shape the Internet in the eco Association for even longer, namely 25 years, and was also given a certificate in recognition of this.

After a welcome address by eco Board Member Klaus Landefeld, the participants at the Internet Security Night were treated to a sumptuous BBQ buffet and cool drinks in an industrial-chic ambience at the Phantasialand STOCK’s event location.

As in previous years, the IT Security Study was also launched at the 13th ISD. Over 200 IT security experts were surveyed on current security topics as part of online and live events until the end of the year. The results can be found in the IT Security Study 2024.